September 6, 2012

The Future Of Health Now !!!

If Gaining Weight costs you $2,626 a year…
If Alzheimer's costs you $33,000 a year…
If Diabetes costs you $6,000 a year…

Isn't Your Good Health worth 60 Cents a Day?

Sorry for the dramatic statement, but we simply had to get your attention... because it is true.
This will be proven in a second, but we also want to tell you that there is a way to protect yourself from outdated health information, if you decide to take part in what we are going to offer you below.
However, first let's elaborate more about why outdated health information is a HUGE problem.
A little while back we hosted a free interview series and since then we have been flooded with a constant stream of stories from people who learned there were modern solutions to health problems that had been ailing them for YEARS...
Which confirmed what we thought from the beginning... most people simply don't have access to what works NOW. And the result is they remain tired, overweight, and candidates for early cognitive decline.

And the costs are staggering...

Outdated Health Information Is Making You Sick
Let's take Alzheimer's for example. The average cost of having this condition is now well over $33,000 a year for someone over 65 years old....
(This is just one condition... we will get to more below).
And if you listened to some our speakers, you now know that Alzheimer's and other issues related to your brain are preventable NOW.
What this means is not only is this condition devastating to everything about your life... it is devastating to your pocket book.
Even worse, it can leave your family in debt for years to come..
Alzheimer's is Just One Example, there are many other conditions...
But first, Let us ask you a question...

Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?

  • Low energy
  • Poor digestion
  • Poor elimination
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Poor memory
  • Allergies
  • Aches and pain
  • High blood pressure
  • Unrelenting stress and anxiety
If so, it's not your fault. It's what historically happens TO ALL OF US because of old, outdated health information.
And yet, there are people who never seem to fade...they're perpetually young and disease-free. You may have seen them on TV, or heading up big companies, or being Royal. They're privileged. They're INSIDERS.
What's their secret?
They're in constant contact with the doctors and scientists making the discoveries that will change the world. It's almost like they have a direct line to the future...and are beating back disease right now as a result.

And Now You Can Be An Insider Too...

You can also stay connected to the most current health and medical solutions today.
Why is this so important to you and your loved ones? Here's a quick story you may already be familiar with.
For years women were given "safe" hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drugs (derived from horse urine). Then in the 1950's a few alert doctors realized that women on horse urine hormones had an increase in uterine cancer.
Did this remedy get pulled? Or even evaluated? No. It was a real money-maker! Doctors were told horse urine hormones prevented heart disease, kept women's skin and brains youthful, built strong bones, and caused few side effects. Doctors kept on prescribing it.
It wasn't until 2002...52 years later...that a large women's health study was conducted.
Guess what they discovered?
Horse urine derived hormones INCREASE a woman's risk of heart disease, blood clotting, stroke and breast cancer.
By the way, in October (if you decide to take us up on our offer) you will learn about safe hormone therapies that can do what this hormone claimed to do and far more.
Anyway, someone's mother, grandmother, aunt or sister died because of old, outdated medical information, controlled by the pharmaceutical companies who were happy to create thousands of coffins just to boost their own bottom lines.
No one should die because they don't have access to the truth.
Do you want to play Russian Roulette with your health and life because the medical community waits 52 years to tell the truth?
Are you willing to accept dangerous, out-of-date treatments?
Is receiving the wrong advice about ANYTHING to do with your body or brain OK with you? How about the wrong advice for your children?

Well it's not OK with us. That's why we decided to do something about it.

That is why we created our original interview series intended to get you up-to-date and help you decide immediately if the truth about health is for you.
But we had to do way more than this if we were going to protect you from outdated health advice and medical treatments, and more importantly, always know the most current and proven ways to:
  • Shed unwanted and dangerous pounds
  • Increase your strength and stamina
  • Regain maximum energy
  • Enjoy better skin tone
  • Eliminate aches and pains
  • Improve digestion and elimination
  • Lift your spirits
  • Get your blood pressure under control (no meds required)
  • Protect yourself from Alzheimer's
  • Glide through Menopause
  • Keep your testosterone levels healthy and high (no drugs!)
  • and so much more...

And here's how we're doing it....

Information Directly From The Experts To You
We have assembled a constantly growing expert team that comes from laboratories and medical centers like NASA, Harvard, Cambridge and Stanford...and a process for providing you with evidenced-based solutions month after month that will challenge what you thought was possible...not in the future, but available TODAY.
Sure, the one-hour interviews have been amazing, but imagine being able to access a community at any time to get real answers to your most pressing health questions.
Plus, you will be introduced to cutting edge technologies that, until we saw them, didn't believe they could possibly be true...but they are. And every month you will be introduced to more and more solutions to the point where you are wondering why in the world everyone doesn't know about this stuff!
And that is the point. If we can expose enough people to the possibilities...and (as humans do) you share it with your friends and loved ones...then EVERYONE (not just members) will benefit.
And that's what it is all about...providing you and then eventually everyone else with the same health advantages as the rich and privileged currently receive.